Insolvenční Rejstřík ČR

Obchodný vestník

Stiahnuť podanie
  • Vestník č:
  • 202/2022
  • Kapitola:
  • Konkurzy a reštrukturalizácie
  • Podanie:
  • Oznámenia správcov
  • Deň vydania:
  • 20.10.2022
  • Značka:
  • K060740
Obchodné meno/Názov/Meno a priezvisko dlžníka/úpadcu: Salayová Dáša
Sídlo/Bydlisko dlžníka/úpadcu: Hlavná 323 / 158, 90061 Gajary
IČO/Dátum narodenia dlžníka/úpadcu: 18.10.1981
Obchodné meno správcu:
Titul, meno a priezvisko správcu: JUDr. Tomáš Kozovský
Sídlo správcu: Björnsonova 8, 81105 Bratislava
Kotakt na správcu :, 02/52493831
Spisová značka správcovského spisu : 31OdK/121/2022 S467
Spisová značka súdneho spisu : 31OdK/121/2022
Druh podania : Výzva zahraničným veriteľom na prihlásenie pohľadávok

Let us inform you that by Resolution of the District Court Bratislava I of 30 september 2022, file no. 31OdK/121/2022 the court declared bankruptcy on the property of the debtor Dáša Salayová, nar. 18.10.1981, Hlavná 323/158, 900 61 Gajary,  Slovak Republic, and simultaneously appointed JUDr. Tomáš Kozovský, Björnsonova 3044/8, 811 05 Bratislava, Slovak Republic as the bankruptcy trustee, and simultaneously called upon creditors to register their receivables within 45 days from the day of declaration of bankruptcy.

Receivables that are not a “receivable against the bankruptcy estate“ (receivables against the bankruptcy estate are receivables arising after declaration of bankruptcy) are exercised within bankruptcy proceedings by registration. One counterpart of registration application shall be filed with the bankruptcy trustee as JUDr. Tomáš Kozovský, Björnsonova 3044/8, 811 05 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, and shall be sent and delivered within the basic registration period of 45 days from the day of declaration of bankruptcy. If a creditor delivers the registration application to the trustee later, the application is considered valid, however, such a creditor has no voting right.

A registration application shall be filed via the prescribed form and shall contain essential features, otherwise it shall not be accepted. The essential features of an application are as follows:

  1. name, surname and address, or business name and registered seat of the creditor,
  2. name, surname and address, or business name and registered seat of the debtor in bankruptcy,
  3. legal grounds of the receivable,
  4. order of satisfaction of the receivable from the general estate,
  5. total sum of the receivable,
  6. signature.

A registration application shall be accompanied by documents proving the facts stated therein. A creditor that maintains accountancy shall state whether the receivable is registered in accountancy and in what extent or the reasons why the receivable is not registered in accountancy.

We would like to bring to your attention that creditors with priority receivables or receivables protected by proprietary rights (rights in rem) have also the duty to register their receivables.


When lodging their claims the creditors having the habitual residence, domicile or registered Office in another EU Member State than the Slovak Republic must proceed according the Council Regulation (EC) No. 1346/2000 on insolvency proceedings.

The application form template can be downloaded on the website of the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic in the section Trustees in Bankruptcy, Forms, Forms for Bankruptcy and Restructuring.

The application form can be downloaded  www.stránke:,n,a,&slmo=anytime&plang=sk&showPage=2&hval=229022ba37a9fab3fc046802d8b7062f

JUDr. Tomáš Kozovský, Trustee in Bankruptcy